Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Music
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Cute friend gifts...

These are the finished product. Cute huh?

Monday, December 21, 2009
Christmas clothes

Without the scarfs - so you can appreciate my handiwork. Yes I made the skirts.

They thought they were being funny.

With the scarfs made by my good friend Mary. I would have attempted them myself - but I started the whole project far too late and she crochets at warp speed so she offered to whip them out for me. It only took her two nights - would have taken me MUCH MUCH MUCH longer.

Yes - I have obnoxious kids. This is them pretending they love each other at my request.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Because I hate it when my contest entrys are at the top of my blog....

Then she turns to me and says "Am I blowing your mind out Mom?" And yes - she was blowing my mind.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Another contest...
Ruffled Feathers
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
A year of Slow Cooking
NieNie Dialogues
My Charming Kids
Boo Mama
Kelly's Korner
Monday, December 7, 2009

Hillary sat on Santa's lap. This is the second one she's visited with - but the first who she's gotten close enough to sit on his lap. She keeps asking for make-up. Guess Santa has some shopping to do:) He listened to her then gave her a candycane and a stuffed penguin which is now her prized possesion.

I had big plans of hiking and visiting arches - but it was just SOOO cold that not even with our coats, hats and gloves on could we stand to be outside very long. So we just enjoyed each other's company in our little motel room.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thanksgiving Part 2
Then we came home and I started the turkey. The kids decided they wanted to make it a game day so we bought a few new games and they got out a couple of stand-bys and they played games pretty much all afternoon. It was great fun.

Hillary and Breanna's artwork.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Thanksgiving Part 1

New layout...
Friday, November 20, 2009
There is a full color version of this one in which Breanna's hair actually looks red because of the sun. She likes that one better - but I like this one as we don't all look as orange.

She did a really nice one of Pat and I too. However I don't think either of us could be a model or even considered hot. Oh to be young again....
First Snow

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pumpkins and costume stragglers

Pat went as a pirate. Don't be jealous. Argh, matey!
A cute one showing her kitty nose and whiskers.
This is Hillary's pre-school class. And Ms. Teri of course.
Breanna and Connor went out trick-or-treating without parental supervision this year. A few of Breanna's friends came over to go with them. Connor was excited to be included and felt very grown up. Bre was glad he came along as she is a touch too old to trick-or-treat and they just kept telling everyone they were with Connor.

This is Whitney, Bre & Seth. (I believe he finally admitted to being dressed as Edward Cullen.)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Halloween costumes