I'm finally getting some pre-Christmas and Christmas stuff posted. And because I'm too busy to re-arrange the order - they are out of order. Too bad, I'm sure you'll enjoy them anyway.
One day we made Christmas cookies all day long. Each Grandchild was allowed to choose their favorite recipe and we made it. This one was Tasman's. They are John's mothers icing cookes. Much better than I thought they were going to be. Strangely addictive in fact. We're making more at our house this weekend:)

This was Connor's recipe - snickerdoodles. Ralph stepped in and helped because Mom and Dad had gone to PT and Alicia and I were frantically trying to finish her birthday present while she was out.

This was for Benjamin's chocolate chip cookies. Grandma and Connor chopped up all the chocolate by hand the night before. And kept all their fingers....

Dad taught us how to make German Stars. Part of our heritage. The kids actually enjoyed it a lot. Breanna even made several more in the following days.

More star making....

We (really I) didn't put up a tree at home since we weren't going to be there for Christmas so Grandma and Grandpa saved an entire tree for my kids to decorate. They did a good job. My parents have all their trees (yes there are 3) hooked into electrical thingies with remotes so there are little remotes to turn on the lights. (Yes I'm getting one next year) Anyway - Hillary just LOVED being able to turn them on and off every day. She was always the first one up and would go down and get the remotes and turn on the trees every morning.