Another Halloween and I was dreading the idea of carving pumpkins. So much so that I wasn't even going to buy a pumpkin. But I love pumpkins so I gave in and let the kids get one at the store. Sadly I waited until all the reasonably sized ones were gone so we had to get big ones. Then I came up with the brilliant idea of painting them instead of carving. So enjoy the results.
Hillary's is on the right. Then Connor's in the middle. He created a one-eye'd monster. Then Breannas is on the left. Her's is the one-eye'd monster's girlfriend.

Pat went as a pirate. Don't be jealous. Argh, matey!
A cute one showing her kitty nose and whiskers.
This is Hillary's pre-school class. And Ms. Teri of course.
Breanna and Connor went out trick-or-treating without parental supervision this year. A few of Breanna's friends came over to go with them. Connor was excited to be included and felt very grown up. Bre was glad he came along as she is a touch too old to trick-or-treat and they just kept telling everyone they were with Connor.
This is Shelby, Seth & Bre.

This is Whitney, Bre & Seth. (I believe he finally admitted to being dressed as Edward Cullen.)

This is Whitney, Bre & Seth. (I believe he finally admitted to being dressed as Edward Cullen.)