I've recently cleaned all the old photo's off my phone so it will quit yelling at me to do it. It's like a nagging mother sometimes:) Not that I have one of those. Don't get upset Mom - you don't nag. But since it's summer I feel like one all the time with my kids. Anyway - I digress. So I'm
devoting the entire week to strange and obscure photos from my phone - or P
at's phone - or the camera for that matter. Every once in a while Hillary will get a wild hair and get the camera out without permission. Then I find strange photos when I download.
This was the saddest dog we ever saw. We were in Orem one Saturday. Hillary still awe's at the poor doggie whenever she sees this picture.

Hillary decorating Pat while he sleeps. She does this a lot.
Breanna's un-matching socks. Her fabulous Grandma
Tinka found these socks for here. There were like 10 socks in the package and no two alike. She loves them. She asked for more for her birthday - and wears them
exclusively now.

Check back tomorrow for more weirdness.