I know I said I'd be better - but sickness trumps blogging every time. Sorry.
So today is about Connor.
This is Connor and Hillary down at Arches Visitor's Center. I'm not sure what wrong with him. No one is....

This is up at the Mayan in Salt Lake. We were meeting up with my parents for dinner - but ate somewhere else. He begged me to take his picture before we left though.

He thought this barbie was the most hilarious thing he'd ever seen. He was laughing so hard he couldn't tell me what was so funny. So he made me take a picture of it.

This was last week when he had a longboard mishap. He actually took a chip out of his elbow - but a week in a splint did the trick - yay for no cast. (Ignore the disaster in the corner of my Living Room. We had emptied out Hillary's entire room to de-junk it and hadn't gotten through the massive pile of stuff yet. It's all gone now - thank heavens - but it took several evenings to sort through it all. That child is too spoiled by everyone.)

When I went to SEP's these were the poems they had hanging in the hallway. I really liked Connor's so I took a picture. I'm not sure why he's not Hillary's brother too. Or who he's giving food to. But I can attest to the fact that he likes mints:)

Maybe next week will be better - but I'm not making any promises this time:)