Today is the last day - although I have had fun putting in writing the things I'm thankful for. But I've save the things I'm most thankful for for last. My family.
My husband Pat is my second best friend(you'll have to keep reading to find out who my best friend is...). He's sweet, kind and generous. He's great with all the kids but most especially his little baby girl Hillary. The other night I looked over and he was on the couch with Bre curled up on one side and Hillary on the other. Nothing makes a mother's heart feel better than that.
Bre is my very best friend. We haven't always been that way - but even if you ask her she'll tell you we're best friends. We have fun together. She shows me everyday what a strong person she is. She has been through a lot in her short 15 years - and I think come out better for it. She's by no means a perfect child - she is a teenager after all - but I'm proud of who she is and what she does.
Connor is my only son. He has amazing talent. We have had to lay a rule down that he can't shower after Hillary goes to bed because he will stand in there for an hour singing so loud it wakes her up. He is a great artist too. He has made amazing accomplishments in school in the last couple years. He too has been through a lot in the last couple years - but he has been strong and he makes me proud.
Hillary is my baby. And will always be my baby. When I come home from work she comes running at me as fast as she can and gives me the biggest hug. I have to be prepared or she knocks me down. But she knows it makes me happy so she does it. Even if I-Carly is on. And that says something. She always cares when I am sad - even if I'm just crying over a TV show. She is kind and generous. And she's pretty cute. She's the perfect mix of me and Pat.
I couldn't ask for a better husband or kids. I love them so much my heart hurts. When I think that in 3 short years Bre could leave home - I think I might die. But I know they will grow to be happy adults outside my home. I hope they always come home for holidays though. I wish I could go home to spend them with my parents.
I hope you have someone or something to be thankful for - and that you tell them. Happy Thanksgiving.
My favorite poem
13 years ago