It's the perfect year in our house. Hillary is old enough to know Santa and understand his function - but young enough to still seriously believe. And she does. She keeps telling me the things she didn't do in order to stay off the naughty list. It's pretty cute. We went to visit Santa last weekend because Hillary had "business" to discuss with him. We went first to visit my favorite Santa in Orem only to find out they don't let you take pictures anymore and wanted to charge me $20 for one little copy. So we just talked to that Santa and then I dragged them to another Santa. I then spent the 15 minutes in line trying to explain to Hillary about "Santa's Helpers."
Anyway - while Hillary is a true believer - my other kids are not, haven't been for years now:( But they were both pretty good sports and understand how important "keeping up the act" is for Hillary. But Connor didn't want to talk to Santa and Bre was creeped out by sitting on the old mans lap. Hence this lovely picture.

Hillary was of course willing to smile and sit on his lap. She assured him that Connor was just scared of Santa's and it was okay. She even offered to hold Connor's hand if it would help. She only asked for two things and the same two things to each Santa which is good. My other kids always managed to ask for some strange and obscure thing when they saw Santa.