Today is my most Fabulous Sister-In-Law's birthday. She is married to my twit of a brother Ralph. They have the cutest little kids, Benjamin and Sophie. I've yet to meet Sophie - but hope to later this year. From the pictures I've seen she is the cutest little thing.
As with my brother-in-laws - I feel like I know so little about Kristina. They live in North Carolina so I don't see her often. But here's what I know - she puts up with my brother. And she let her in-laws move in with her for several months. And that takes quite a woman - in anyone's book.
This is when they went camping with my other sister and her family last summer. I heard it was super fun.

This picture cracks me up and says so much about my brother.So have a Happy Birthday Kristina!! We're really glad you're part of our family!