Wednesday, March 31, 2010
New thing
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Self-Imposed Ban
We were out on Saturday running errands and had popped into Williams Sonoma to just browse around. My very independent 4 year old picked up a really pretty minty green colored butcher knife to show me. She had taken the cover off and before I could stop her she had touched the blade with her little finger and cut herself right good. We got a bandaid from the nice lady and I sent Hillary out to sit on the bench with the other kids while Pat and I finished our business inside. It actually took several bandaids and several hours to completely quit bleeding. I was pretty close to going to get her a couple stitches. We had to threaten stitches a couple times to keep her from playing with the band-aid. But as you can see - it didn't phase her too much. And it's all fine now. Then yesterday we were in the health food store. They have a play area so I put Hillary in there and left Bre to watch her. Her bandaid came off and Hillary took the initiative to find a worker and ask if they had a bandaid she could use. It's scary impressive how independent she has become.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Just some assorted stuff

I have recently started participating in a local food co-op. I pay my money each week and in return get two baskets full of vegetables and fruit fresh from the growers. It's an awesome deal for what we pay and we are getting to try some stuff I would never buy otherwise. This is what I got last week.
5 Loaves of Olive Oil Bread, 6 mangos, 15 apples, kumquats, 20 roma tomatoes, orange cauliflower, one head of salad savoy, romaine lettuce, 1 eggplant, celery, parsley, a bag of assorted fresh herbs, strawberries, 2 bunches of green onions, two bunches of asparagus, mushrooms, 2 zuchinni, garlic and onions.
If you live locally(as in Utah, Idaho, Nevada or Arizona) I encourage you to check it out. Bountiful Baskets.
I know Hillary looks a little high in this photo - but I promise she's not. She's showing off Krypto the super dog.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Thank You

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Happy Birthday Pat

- He is a HUGE redskins fan - despite the name.
- He is wrapped around Hillary's little finger. He readily admits this though so it's not really a bad thing.
- He is the best one at regular braids of the two of us. I'm better at fancy though.
- He ran track, wrestled and played baseball in High School. I hear he was pretty good too.
- He loves WWE and WWF. (That's professional wrestling for those of you who don't know.)
- He is a sucker for muscle cars. His dream is to get his Camaro back.
- He likes his food spicy. The hotter the better. His body does not always agree anymore though.
- He is hands down the best Barbequer I have ever met. He can cook anything and almost always does it to perfection.
Happy Birthday Pat. I love you.