We went to an Orem Owls baseball game on Saturday. It was Girl Scout night so Hillary got to do lots of fun stuff like the flag ceremony and singing during the 7th inning stretch. We all had a fabulous time.
From left to right it's Deanna, Gracie & Hillary. Then an older troop because they said 5 year olds weren't old enough to actually carry the flag.

Hillary dancing to the music while they waited to start.

During the National Anthem.

Back at our seats. We were right on the 3rd base line.

This is Harley from the Harley Davidson dealership. This is about 2 seconds after he almost ran me over on that bike.

The girls with Holly - one of the mascots.

Our three scouts waiting to go on the field to sing.

Singing "Take me out to the Ball Game" during the seventh inning stretch. I was pretty proud that Hillary knew all the words to the song and actually sang them.

Still singing.

It was a good game too - the Owls won 12-1. There were a ton of home runs and several base hits. We will definitely be going to more Owls games this summer.
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