Clothes bought:
Pairs of shoes - 5 (plus one pair of VANS - thanks Dad)
Pairs of pants - 19
tops - 31
gym shorts - 2
socks - enough for everyone
Supplies bought:
Pencils - 50 (they were dirt cheap - I bought plenty to last the year)
glue sticks - 4
Elmer's glue - 2
duct tape - 1 roll
masking tape - 1 roll
hand sanitizer - 4
tissues - 2
scissors - 1
gallon ziplock bags - 1 box
folders - 12
binders - 6
white board markers - 8
crayons - 4
markers - 1
colored pencils - 1
pens - 8
composition notebooks - 1
college ruled paper - 3
graph paper - 1
pairs of pants hemmed - 6
pairs of pants pinned up but not hemmed yet - 3 ***UPDATE - I hemmed those three and found 2 more:(
registrations days - 4 (oops - registered Connor at the JR High one day before he got into the Charter)
back to school meetings -3
first days of school - 2
number of times we got to bed on time the first week - 0
Number of kids who had a good first day of school - 2.5 (Connor's was just okay. It's hard to transition to lockers and changing classes) ****UPDATE: Connor's second day was great:)
Hillary - 1st grade

Connor - 7th grade
Breanna - 11th grade
I for one am glad the preparation is over and they are all back in school but I'm also sad the summer is over - I think it went by way too fast this year.
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