The other night I went to an enrichment night at church that was all about food storage and preparedness. It was a fun evening. I did learn how to sprout seeds and I'm going to try starting some this weekend. We also had a tasting table at the end. The people who signed up were supposed to bring something made with their food storage staples.
One of my friends had made wheat chili. Basically it's a chili with wheat instead of beans. I personally have never made this because it sounds gross. However, I tasted hers and it was the best chili I think I've ever had. Despite the wheat. I was mindful however of eating too much as we all know how hard wheat is on the body when we are not used to it.
So I brought home a bowl of it for the kids to try so we could make it next week for dinner. Both the older kids LOVED it and had a few bites each. Hillary was already in bed so she didn't get any. We then left the last half a bowl on the counter for Pat to try when he got home from work around midnight.
When I got up the next morning I asked Pat how he had liked the chili. He said there hadn't been any left. The bowl was in the trash and there was a dirty fork on the floor when he got home.
Well yesterday all was revealed as poor little Hillary had a bad case of diarrhea. That will teach her to sneak food in the middle of the night...I WISH.